My background is eclectic.

I went to college originally for Geology and realized I didn’t want to drill for oil or spend more time in a lab after graduation. Design had always been a pull and when I decided to career change in my late….late twenties, I knew I made the right choice.

I take everything I’ve learned into the design field, including my scientific background, and really appreciate it when someone says my designs are “too smart” or need to be dumbed down to push out to market (which has happened more than once). I’ll reluctantly acquiesce to the request.

I’m an even keel leader, there is never something too major or too minor that doesn’t garner the best in my design skills. The people I work with appreciate the integrity and patience I bring to the workplace which forms an environment of collaboration and enthusiasm.

Everything on the site is original content designed by me unless otherwise called out as a “we” team effort.
